Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Voicethread-Counselor Crisis

My assignment for this week was to use and experience the online collaboration tool called VoiceThread.  This tool allows for sharing of thoughts and comments related to any issue, idea, problem, picture, experience, etc.  The problem I chose to focus on was the cutting of elementary school counselors.  I am very saddened and disappointed that the school district has chosen to cut this support program.  I worry about the consequences and negative impact this choice will have on the students.  So many children benefit from the counseling program and now there will be little to no support for struggling children.  Feel free to listen and comment about this problem by visiting my voice thread:    http://voicethread.com/?#u1894638.b2161961.i11528143


  1. Thank you for sharing your VoiceThread. You had a great variety of photos that helped give a clear understanding of the importance of school counselors. I am also sad that our state can no longer afford such an important role model for our troubled students. There have been many students that I have sent to the counselor in the past that have truly benefitted from the experience of being able to talk to someone about what was on their mind. Many students have parents separating and now the children are transferred back and forth between two homes. Let’s hope that our state realizes the importance of these wonderful counselors and how that meets the needs for our students.

  2. Sad times in California. Thanks for your thought.
