Sunday, August 7, 2011

Final Reflection 6711I-2

This course has been a wonderful opportunity to review learning theories and redefine my personal theory of learning.  At the beginning of the course I stated that I used pieces of many different learning theories.  After reviewing and looking more in depth into various learning theories, this belief still holds true.  I am also aware of many more learning theories and how I use them in my classroom.  Classrooms are very fluid and constantly changing.  No one theory can be solely used and the students have success.  As a teacher I need to be able to pick and chose pieces of theories that I think will be most effective for my students in my current classroom.  I am much more aware of how technology plays an important role in learning and how supplemental technology can be.  I feel that technology is becoming a major tool in assisting with all the learning theories.  I feel more capable and competent at using technology to support my instructional and learning strategies. 

I desire to use technology more as a learning tool than an instructional tool.  I want to truly engage and involve all students and make my classroom more student centered.  I think that children even as young as second grade can play a greater role in their education and truly make learning meaningful.  I enjoyed the concept mapping web tools and am excited to use this in my classroom.  I see a lot of potential with this resource and feel that it would really benefit my students.  I also extremely enjoyed Voice Thread and desire to use this tool often.  I will have to work to figure out how to get microphone access for the students and how to teach and manage use of the program.  I think it could really work well in involving students and reach both visual and auditory learners in a very impactful way.  I had never used a concept mapping web tool and I had never even heard of Voice Thread.  I now feel very capable and ready to use these tools in my classroom.

I want to start using technology within each theme that I teach.  I have access to so many technology tools at my school site and I feel that I have just barely begun to scratch the surface with how these tools can be used.  I use them for the most basic of activities.  I feel much more aware of available resources and prepared to use them.  I would like to incorporate concept mapping into each theme that I teach and use these maps as teaching tools and review resources.  To meet this goal, I will make an outline of each theme and chose a story, virtual field trip, or activity where concept mapping would be most effective.  I will start using concept mapping from the beginning of the school year and model how to use this tool.  As the year progresses, I will continue to lead and model but allow the students more involvement and opportunity to use the concept mapping tool individually.  By the last trimester, I hope that the students can be competent enough to create concept maps on their own with little difficulty.

Another goal I have is to use a class blog as a resource for both students and parents.  I would like to incorporate homework activities into the blog and allow students to learn and interact from home.  I want the blog to be exciting and engaging for students and their families.  I feel that the blog can really help make homework more meaningful and add so much depth to the level of learning.  I have decided that every Tuesday afternoon will be set aside to update the blog and add an assignment, lesson, or experience that supports the lessons being taught in the classroom.  By the following Monday students will be expected to have visited the blog and participated in the post.  If the students do not have access to a computer at home, then the blog can be accessed during technology lab time, at recess, or during free choice time in the classroom.  I am excited to interact and be involved with the students and their families.

I have enjoyed learning and experiencing these technology resources.  I feel more confident in myself and my ability to use these tools.  I used to be the learner that would be in awe of technology being used and think how I wish I could create and use such neat resources.  I now feel that I have the skills and ability to create and use awesome technology resources.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Social Learning

We are a very social society.  Personal relationships are so important, and as humans we love spending time with each other.  These days there are so many social networks and websites that allow us to be social without even leaving our homes or being in the presence of other people.  It is kind of ironic in a way how social we can become while still remaining alone in our own homes.  Facebook is a huge social networking site that allows people to interact, express thoughts, share ideas, and follow the lives of friends and family.  Blogging, webcasts, podcasts, youtube, and so many more social technology tools have been developed to help us learn and interact socially.  Whether we agree with it or not, humans learn from social interactions.  When we see someone else doing something interesting or of worth, we want to learn and do the same thing.

A classroom is an extremely social environment with students of similar age interacting and working together.  Cooperative learning is a common strategy to promote social interactions and allow students to learn from one another.  Dr. Orey points out how much more a person learns when they are able to teach about a concept and share knowledge with others (Laureate Inc., 2008).  Cooperative learning strategies group students together and gave them opportunities to learn and teach in a social setting.  Student led learning communities are great  for teaching and helping students get the most out of their education.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2008).Social Learning Theories. [DVD]. Baltimore: Author.

Voicethread-Counselor Crisis

My assignment for this week was to use and experience the online collaboration tool called VoiceThread.  This tool allows for sharing of thoughts and comments related to any issue, idea, problem, picture, experience, etc.  The problem I chose to focus on was the cutting of elementary school counselors.  I am very saddened and disappointed that the school district has chosen to cut this support program.  I worry about the consequences and negative impact this choice will have on the students.  So many children benefit from the counseling program and now there will be little to no support for struggling children.  Feel free to listen and comment about this problem by visiting my voice thread:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Constructivism in Practice

The constructivist and constructionist theories are so important in developing a positive and impactful learning environment.  In a classroom where these theories are applied students get to apply the knowledge they have acquired and create, build, and demonstrate what they have learned.  Dr. Michael Orey (Laureate Education, Inc., 2008) explains why these theories of learning are so important to the educational experience of the student.  Students perform and actually use the knowledge they have learned.  Learning becomes more meaningful as it becomes something the students use and experience.  Students create and demonstrate their understanding of lessons being taught.

Technology provides a whole new world where creations and projects can be designed and presented.  There are numerous websites and programs available to students and teachers that can be used to help enhance learning.  Technology is nothing new to students in this generation and using technology to demonstrate knowledge is a wonderful tool to enhance learning.  Students in second grade can create Power Points, blogs, wikis, and more to truly experience and construct their ideas.  Rather than just reading about fossils and dinosaurs, students can create Power Points demonstrating how fossils are formed and what characteristics dinosaurs possess. Spreadsheets and data collection websites may not be too meaningful to second graders, but with teacher guidance, students can begin to learn how to use these resources along with other technology tools.  Technology allows students to show their individuality and their abilities.  There are very few limits on what can be done or designed.  I am sure that many of my young students could create presentations beyond my own abilities. 

The constructivist and constructionist theories allow students to demonstrate and form student's learning experiences.  Actually being able to apply gained knowledge is the whole purpose of schooling and education.  We live in a time where technology is allowing a whole new world of educational experiences and opportunities.  Limitations are few and given the right guidance, students will be able to construct some amazing things.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Constructionist and Constructivist Learning Theories. Baltimore: Author. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cognitivism in Practice

One of the coolest things about the brain is how much information is stored there and how a person is able to access and use knowledge so easily.  The key to using this cool storage function is gaining the knowledge.   Once the knowledge is gained it will forever be stored in the brain and to be able to use the information, a person only needs to remember how to access the storage site.  That can be hard at times, but it is reassuring that once the information is gained it forever will stay. 

The cognitive learning theory addresses the way learners gain the needed and desired knowledge and then move it to the long term memory for storage.  Learning occurs in a variety of ways and students have preferences on how learning is most effective.  One instructional strategy to help with learning is cues, questions, and advance organizers.  Cues provide hints and remind students about experiences.  Questions can trigger memories and help students organize and recall prior knowledge.  Advance organizers can help pre-teach and organize new content to help focus learning (Pitler et. al., 2007).  Little cues can be effective with many concepts especially when reviewing.  Cues can be rhythmical or use pictures to help trigger memories.  Questions can be phrased in just the right way to lead the thinking process and help students form answers and ideas on their own.  Advanced organizers can be very effective in providing necessary knowledge to aide in further understanding of a concept.

Information can be overwhelming and it is important to filter out the useful and important information from extraneous information.  Summarizing allows students to put thoughts and lessons into their own meaningful words.  Taking notes is similar in its purpose.  Students learn to delete, substitute, and analyze information taking only the most important and necessary information into long term memory (Pitler et. al., 2007).  Cognitive learning is the process of connecting knowledge and retaining the relevant knowledge.  A variety of learning strategies can be used to help students be successful in their efforts to gain information and access important information when needed.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Denver, Co: Mid-Continental Research for Education and Learning.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Behaviorism in Practice

When a person starts something in life such as a sport, a class, a hobby, or any activity, the ultimate goal is to achieve success in whatever form it comes in.  Success is measured in a variety of ways, but according to Pitler, Hubell, Kuhn, and Melonski (2007), effort is the best choice for those who desire to achieve success and remain successful throughout life.  Many things cannot be controlled in life, but the effort a person puts into an activity is controlled and determined by the individual.  When a good effort is observed a positive reinforcement is one way to reinforce the desired behavior and encourage the continuation of the effort being made. 
Some ways to use technology to help improve effort is through data collection and spreadsheets.  Technology makes it a lot easier to track the improvements being made over time.  Programs are available that allow students to chart and measure their progress.  Spreadsheets can be created to show the efforts being made and how this effects achievement (Pitler, et. al., 2007).  Students can visually see how important effort is when trying to learn and master concepts.  When the students see that their behavior and effort plays a role in achievement, hopefully they will continue to behave in a way that promotes success.
Homework is one tool that allows students to practice what is learned in the classroom.  It brings the learning home and allows children to interact outside of the classroom and apply what they have learned.  Technology is a great tool in creating meaningful homework.  If students have access to technology outside of school then they can do so much more than just worksheets to practice.  Some students need additional practice to help learn and master certain skills.  Websites and other software programs can be used to help.  Dr. Orey points out that these programs need to be used appropriately and not the only tool utilized.  If drill and kill websites are all that are used then students are not receiving the best possible instruction (Laureate Educational, Inc., 2010).
There needs to be a balance in all things.  Technology is a tool with so much potential when used efficiently.  There are principles of the behaviorist learning theory that are vital and effective, but again they must be used correctly and in balance with other learning theories.   Teachers need to be clear and direct with what they expect from their students so that students know what efforts and practices must be done to achieve success.

Laureate Education, Inc. (2010).  Behaviorist Learning Theory. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Denver, Co: Mid-Continental Research for Education and Learning.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Reflection on Course 6710

As I started to work on my Master's Degree, I envisioned learning so much about technology and using different programs and applications.  The first few classes I took were very informative, but not what I had envisioned as what I wanted to learn on my journey.  This class finally met my expectations and I truly enjoyed learning and experiencing some of the available technology resources and skills that can influence education.
Prior to this class, I had heard of blogs and even followed a few of my friends personal blogs.  I had never considered using a blog for my classroom.  I am completely in love with blogging and see so much potential for it in my classroom.  I loved playing with and designing a blog.  I am constantly thinking and experimenting with different ways to use the blog to enrich my classroom in ways I never thought possible.  Blogging allows the students to be involved along with their families in an interactive, learner- centered role.  Through the different technology skills I have learned, I can teach my students the necessary 21st century skills to be successful.  I better understand what the 21st century skills are and how these skills are more than just knowing how to use technology and having computers in the classroom.  The skills require higher level, critical thinking skills along with the use of technology.  I am excited to integrate my new understanding and skills into my classroom.  I hope to continually use new technology resources to improve my classroom.  Through educational blogs and professional teaching organizations, I can learn about technology resources that are available and how to implement them effectively.
Being a learner-centered classroom has always been one of my goals.  It is so important for students to have the opportunity to learn, experience, and grow on their own.  It can be frustrating to give up control and allow for mistakes to be made, but mistakes go along with learning.  Students learn so much more from actually experiencing and doing versus just listening. 
One goal I would like to set for myself is to continue to use and update my blog regularly.  I want to use the blog to help and improve homework and make it more meaningful and fun for the students.  I feel that a blog will help connect families with the classroom.  Another goal is to incorporate more technology activities into my group learning evaluations.  My class is able to attend the technology lab once a week and I am often looking for better ways to use the time we have in the lab.  I want to develop activities that can be done in small groups and improved with the technology resources.  Instead of the typically used evaluations, I would like to incorporate some technology based assignments such as wikis, podcasts, or power points.
I have learned a lot and see many changes in my perspective and understanding of technology as a result of this course.  I now have a variety of tools and digital resources I can use in my classroom to make learning more meaningful and effective.  I am not so afraid and hesitant when it comes to learning, experimenting, and enjoying new resources.  I have felt very successful which gives me a lot of confidence and excitement towards technology.  I feel like I am moving in the direction that I wanted to go when it comes to technology in my classroom.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Partnership for the 21st Century Skills is a website that focuses on teaching students the 3 R's along with the 4 C's.  I know the 3 R's, but what are the 4 C's?  The 4 C's are critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation.  All of these skills are necessary for success in the global economy.  So many more skills are needed to be successful and students need to be able to perform and compete with a global world that is extremely intelligent and talented.  The United States faces a tough challenge of keeping up with other nations that are very strong in many academic areas. The website is full of information and articles about education and what is being done to provide the most effective learning environment and experiences necessary for success.  Guidelines and strategies are provided that will help students gain the necessary skills that the 21st century world requires.

I immediately went to the state listings to see what was specific to the state of California.  I was surprised to see so few states listed as participating states in the program.  I question why other states including California have not gotten involved with this organization.  The vision of the organization is powerful and seems to be important to all states.  It makes sense to have a partnership of the private sectors along with public and government organizations all working together for the good of all students in this country.  I am curious as to why only 15 states seem to be on board at this time.  I love the idea of teaching students how to collaborate and work together to solve problems and feel that this can be done in a simple way and integrated into all areas of the curriculum.

There are many professional articles, videos, and resources to aid in developing a 21st century classroom that support the organizations vision of learning.  I feel one problem is that the state already provides such strict standards that must be followed and met.  My state is not part of this organization so it would be hard to implement the additional standards and guidelines at a large level.  There is not a lot of flexibility in teaching anymore with the rigid standards and demands made by standardized testing. Time and resources are so limited and class sizes continue to grow.   Trying to redesign the curriculum to implement more skills would be difficult.  If the standards are aligned with the current state standards, then it would not be as big of a challenge to implement additional skills.  The website is nice in that all the tools and guides are readily available to print and use.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Popcorn Fun!

We are studying Tomie de Paola so we had some fun with popcorn!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Homework Help, Tips, and Challenge Activities

Another great use for a blog is homework help.  Students and parents can visit a blog to view lessons and subjects taught during the day or throughout the week.  There can be activities or suggestions for reviewing, practicing, and applying skills or concepts taught.  Second graders are not always able to remember how or what was taught in class.  Messages and directions often are confused between home and school.  Through a blog, parents can access tips, activities, and ideas to support learning done in the classroom.  For example:   Make a list of nouns found in the kitchen.  Tell your family that a noun is a person, place, or thing.  Bring the list to school to share with the class and earn a raffle ticket.  The raffle ticket incentive will entice the students and make them want to check out the blog to see what activities are listed.  Bonus or enrichment activities could be listed to provide help and support for both parents and students.  Outstanding efforts towards the listed activities could then be displayed on the blog.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Art Gallery

Blogging is a great way to display art work that students create in class.  Parents, family, friends, and students can view all the wonderful things done in class.  Students love to share their work and seeing the art displayed on the computer is totally awesome.  Not all parents can come to school regularly to see what the students are working on, so having an art gallery that is accessible 24 hours allows everyone to view the hard work of the students.  When students know that their work may potentially be viewed by thousands of people, they try harder and really take pride in their efforts.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is here once again.  I sure enjoy the opportunity to be a mother.  Thanks to my mother and all the many other mothers who have touched my life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

First Time Blogger

I never thought I would have a blog, but the impossible can happen.  I am a second grade teacher and I love children.  Technology is everywhere and whether I like it or not, I must use and incorporate technology into my life.  As a teacher, technology has changed my world and my classroom.  I enjoy the many wonderful things I am able to do.  Check the blog often to see what our classroom is doing and offer insight and suggestions.